Learn Chinese

Do you want to learn Chinese? Here are some interesting Chinese words. Let’s see!

Top 10 Popular Chinese words on Internet

1. 伤不起 (shāng bù qǐ )I can't be hurt anymore.

                      2. 神马都是浮云 (shén mǎ dōu shì fú yún ) Everything is nothing.

3. hold住 (hold zhù )I got this under control

4. 亲 (qīn )Dear.

5.  山寨 (shān zhài )Counterfeit.

6. 宅 (zhái) To stay at home all day

7. 房奴(fáng nú)Mortgage slave

8. 闪(shǎn)To act quickly

9. 秀(xiù )To show off

10. 团购 (tuán gòu )Group purchasing

The above ten words are the top 10 popular Chinese words on the Internet. The one or two Chinese characters can show many meanings. This is the charm of Chinese, isn’t it? If you are also interested in learning more Chinese words, see more and you may also have
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